Din nou zvonurile privind lansarea unor produse Apple se adeveresc insa de aceasta data vorbim despre televizorul care se presupunea ca este dezvoltat de companie. Se pare ca Apple ar fi discutat deja cu unele companii media din SUA despre lansarea unui televizor numit iTV care ar avea integrata o functie de control folosind simple comenzi vocale. Informatiile vin de la cei de la Wall Street Journal deci exista un oarecare adevar in spatele lor, mai ales ca Walter Isaacson ar fi declarat acum cateva luni ca Steve Jobs ar fi descoperit, inainte sa moara, secretul dezvoltarii unui televizor “magic”.
The Apple television set is said to be very reliant on the cloud, something we’ve heard before, in order to download (and likely stream) television shows, movies, and other content. There does not seem to be a large differentiating factor here from the $99 Apple TV set-top-box, but this content component is just the surface of the TV set.
Apple is looking at new forms of interaction with not only TV sets but with mobile devices like iPhones and iPads. These new ways of interacting with technology include voice and movements. The voice aspect (Siri) is something we’ve heard in reports before and movement is something that Apple has been prototyping for a while now. The Siri component would be used to change channels and search for content.
Noul televizor conceput de catre Apple ar urma sa: permita vizionarea de filme, emisiuni TV prin iTunes(inutil in Romania); permita utilizatorilor sa il controleze folosind comenzi vocale, iDevice-uri ca si telecomanda dar si gesturi; permita utilizatorilor sa foloseasca functia AirPlay care ar oferi tuturor posibilitatea de a incepe sa vizioneze un film pe TV si sa continue vizionarea sa pe un iDevice. Desigur ca noul televizor al celor de la Apple va avea multe functii gozave insa in Romania jumatate dintre ele vor fi complet inutile fara servicii adiacente ale companiei din Cupertino.
Apple is also said to be working on an enhanced version of AirPlay that allows a user to start watching video content on a television, for example, and pickup the video on their mobile device. This would be the opposite of the current AirPlay solution where someone starts watching content on their iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, and continues via streaming to their Apple TV box. The WSJ says this may simply be an Apple TV box feature, not exclusive to the set.
The report also says late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs has been an advocate for controlling the Apple TV box with iOS devices (via the App Store Remote application), so we’ll likely see the Apple TV set being controlled with iPhones, iPads, and iPod touches versus a standalone remote control.
iTV-ul celor de la Apple este adevarat, compania lucreaza la el si este posibil ca in 2012 sa il avem disponibil pe piata.
This post was last modified on dec. 19, 2011, 9:04 AM 09:04