Apple obtine in SUA o interdictie de import pentru cateva smartphone-uri HTC

   In cursul serii trecute o agentie federala din SUA a luat decizia de a interzice importul unor anumite smartphone-uri HTC insa incepand cu data de 19 aprilie 2012. Victoria celor de la Apple vine la un an de la introducerea plangerii la agentia federala ITC insa desigur ca ea nu este definitiva, cei de la HTC fiind decisi sa  atace. Practic nici nu prea vorbim de o victorie pentru ca hotararea ar urma sa intre in vigoare pe data de 19 aprilie 2012, afecteaza nu afecteaza toate smartphone-urile HTC si pana atunci exista sanse mari ca HTC sa reuseasca sa o anuleze.

A system and method causes a computer to detect and perform actions on structures identified in computer data. The system provides an analyzer server, an application program interface, a user interface and an action processor. The analyzer server receives from an application running concurrently data having recognizable structures, uses a pattern analysis unit, such as a parser or fast string search function, to detect structures in the data, and links relevant actions to the detected structures. The application program interface communicates with the application running concurrently, and transmits relevant information to the user interface. Thus, the user interface can present and enable selection of the detected structures, and upon selection of a detected structure, present the linked candidate actions. Upon selection of an action, the action processor performs the action on the detected structure.

   Cei de la HTC au anuntat si ca vor scoate din UI-ul propriilor smartphone-uri tehnologiile pentru care s-a decis ca incalca brevetele de inventie ale Apple deci este extrem de posibil ca o interzicere a importurilor sa nu aiba loc. Apple reuseste totusi sa isi protejeze o tehnologie, ii obliga pe cei de la HTC sa le scoata din propriile terminale si probabil va incerca sa faca acelasi lucru cu alti producatori.

We are gratified that the Commission affirmed the judge’s initial determination on the ‘721 and ‘983 patents, and reversed its decision on the ‘263 patent and partially on the ‘647 patent. We are very pleased with the determination and we respect it. However, the ‘647 patent is a small UI experience and HTC will completely remove it from all of our phones soon.

This post was last modified on dec. 20, 2011, 8:41 AM 08:41

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