MuscleNerd, p0sixninja si Planetbeing i se alatura lui Pod2G in dezvoltarea solutiei de jailbreak pentru iPhone 4S

  Desi Pod2G spunea zilele trecute ca solutia de untethered jailbreak pentru iPad 2 si iPhone 4S va fi disponibila in maxim o saptamana, iata ca acest lucru s-ar putea sa nu se intample. Astazi Pod2G a anuntat pe blogul sau ca MuscleNerd, p0sixninja si Planebeing i se alatura in dezvoltarea solutiei de untethered jailbreak pentru iPad 2 si iPhone 4S deci lucrurile sunt mult mai complicate decat se credea initial. MuscleNerd vine de la Dev Team, p0sixninja de la Chronic Dev Team si planetbeing este un vechi membru al Dev Team specializat pe dezvoltarea unor solutii de unlock.

@planetbeing, the legendary hacker behind iPhone Linux and lot of jailbreaks (seehttp://theiphonewiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=User:Planetbeing) has joined the A5 research!
The famous @MuscleNerd (http://theiphonewiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=User:MuscleNerd), the leader of the iPhone Dev Team, who did a lot of tests for Corona and whom integrated it and made it simple in redsn0w is willing to help also.
And last, but not least @p0sixninja (http://theiphonewiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=User:Posixninja), the leader of the Chronic Dev Team, and my partner for years on iPhone security research has started to code and fuzz the Apple sandbox.
We now have a dream team to find a path for a public release of the A5 jailbreak.

Cross your fingers.

   Cat va dura pana la lansarea solutiei de untethered jailbreak? Nimeni nu stie. Este posibil sa o avem peste o saptamana sau poate o luna, totul depinde de cei care lucreaza la ea.

This post was last modified on ian. 8, 2012, 2:13 PM 14:13

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