Motorola are un trimestru fiscal dezamagitor, da vina pe Apple

   Motorola a avut un trimestru fiscal dezamagitor, nereusind sa isi atinga obiectivele din cauza competitiei tot mai puternice pe piata terminalelor mobile. Unul dintre aparentii vinovati pentru neatingerea obiectivelor este Apple care anul acesta pare sa fi scos pe piata produse atat de bune incat utilizatorii ar fi trecut cu vederea produsele celor de la Motorola. Informatiile ar putea fi exacte deoarece anul acesta Apple a vandut mai multe iDevice-uri decat in anii precedenti insa la fel au facut si competitorii sai, exceptie facand Motorola.

Motorola sent out a warning late Friday that its fall performance wouldn’t meet. It would still see “modest profitability” based on revenue of $3.4 billion, but it would see just 10.5 million phones shipped, 5.3 million of which would be smartphones. The number would be a sharp contraction from the 11.6 million shipped in the summer, when it moved 4.8 million smartphones. The company made thinly veiled references to Apple as being largely responsible for the fiscal and unit drops. Its downfall was due to the “the increased competitive environment in the Mobile Device business and higher legal costs associated with ongoing Intellectual Property… litigations,” Motorola said.

   Pe langa scaderile in vanzari, Motorola da vina si pe procesele intentate de Apple, procese care au generat costuri suplimentare pentru bugetul companiei. In final cei de la Motorola au fost afectat de actiunile companiei Apple si cu siguranta nu sunt singurii.

This post was last modified on ian. 7, 2012, 9:13 AM 09:13

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