Marina americana a pornit recent un proiect de 100 de milioane de dolari numit Autonomous Aerial Cargo Utility System sau AACUS cu scopul de a dezvolta aplicatii pentru smartphone-uri si tablete ce vor putea fi folosite de catre soldati pentru a chema intariri sau resurse de la bazele militare. Raspunsul la cererea facuta de soldati de pe un smartphone sau tableta va veni din partea unor drone aeriene capabile sa transporte orice au nevoie soldatii fara ajutorul unui pilot deci vorbim despre o trecere de la avioane si elicoptere controlate de oameni la nave aeriene controlate de roboti.
ONR’s(Office of Naval Research) chief of naval research, Rear Adm. Matthew Klunder, describes AACUS as a “leap-ahead technology” which eliminates the need for a skilled operator while maintaining “the central and critical role of the human operator as the supervisor.” If it comes to fruition, AACUS would constitute an evolutionary step beyond the unmanned, remote control variant of the K-MAX helicopter, which flew its first unmanned combat missions in December.
AACUS este un proiect de 5 ani de zile care va porni de la zero si care probabil va oferi armatei americane un avantaj considerabil in fata inamicilor. Eu unul sunt destul de neincrezator in posibila lansare a unui asemenea sistem si nu stiu cati soldati vor pleca in lupta cu tablete in locul unei statii insa probabil o solutie ce implica smartphone-uri ar fi mult mult mai buna.
“It’s going to be designed to work with people who have no flight experience,” said AACUS program officer Dr. Mary Cummings. “An operator will pick up his iPad or Android and make an emergency supply request. He’ll request that the helicopter come to him and land as close to him as possible.”
This post was last modified on ian. 15, 2012, 9:07 PM 21:07