Face.com este un website specializat pe tehnologii de recunoastere faciala in timp real si de ceva vreme a lansat in App Store o aplicatie numita KLIK care este capabila sa iti recunoasca prietenii in poze. KLIK functioneaza cu ajutorul contului tau de Facebook deoarece de acolo preia informatiile in legatura cu prietenii tai, informatii care o ajuta sa iti afiseze in aplicatie numele prietenilor fie in timp ce faci poza fie dupa ce poza a fost deja facuta. Ideea aplicatiei este foarte interesanta si sistemul de recunoastere faciala folosit in ea este destul de popular in SUA dar ramane de vazut daca posesorii de iDevice-uri vor fi interesati sa il utilizeze.
KLIK is a camera app that uses face recognition to let you quickly tag your friends in real-time. Fire up KLIK and watch as your friends’ names instantly appear next to their faces before or after you snap a photo.
Improving KLIK’s face recognition:
If KLIK doesn’t recognize a face – snap a photo, tap “Tag Me” over unrecognized faces to pick a name, and then save the photo (no need to share). The more photos you save, the better KLIK gets. When you’re not taking photos, check out the feeds for nearby, friend and your photos.
KLIK functioneaza doar cu terminale iPhone si este disponibila gratuit in App Store.
KLIK by Face.com
Descriere: KLIK is a camera app that uses face recognition to let you quickly tag your friends in real-time.
Fire up KLIK and watch as your friends’ names instantly appear next to their faces before or after you sn…
This post was last modified on ian. 27, 2012, 7:21 PM 19:21