In iOS 5 Apple a implementat pentru prima oara posibilitatea de a sincroniza un iDevice cu iTunes folosind o reatea Wi-Fi in locul cablului USB. Aceasta noua optiune este utilizata de catre milioane de posesori de iDevice-uri insa ea ar putea deveni mult mai simpla multumita unui Apple script interesant. Un dezvoltator s-a gandit sa creeze un script care sa sincronizeze automat un iPhone cu iTunes o singura data pe zi si cu ajutorul sau se asigura ca iTunes are intotdeauna un backup recent cu informatiile din propriul terminal.
A while back, I retired my iPhone 3G to the bedside table after buying an iPhone 4. I use the 3G pretty much as glorified clock radio-iPod Touch. I have a few radio apps on it and the Digital Clock app. I also have it set to sync and back up over Wi-Fi to my main iMac so I manually initiate a sync when I need to update Podcasts and apps and what have you. This manual syncing has become tiresome. (I mean, if I used a traditional clock radio, I wouldn’t have to update its content manually, right?)
It’s simple enough to write an AppleScript to sync a connected iPhone but I want the script to run on a regular basis without me having to fire it. I like to listen to Podcasts in the evening so sometime during dinner would be a good time to update the 3G with any Podcasts that have arrived during the day. For this, I can create a launchd agent to fire the AppleScript that syncs the 3G in the background.
Scriptul conceput de catre dezvoltator sincronzieaza automat un iDevice cu iTunes prin Wi-Fi in fiecare zi la o anumita ora insa totul functioneaza numai pe sistemul de operare Mac OS X. Instructiuni cu privire la instalarea sa gasiti aici si daca reusiti sa setati iTunes sa faca aceasta sincronizare lasati un comentariu.