Stim cu totii despre procesele pe care Apple si Motorola le au in SUA si despre faptul ca ele nu se vor rezolva prea curand. Ei bine un proces recent inceput anul trecut a adus in fata unui judecator nu mai putin de 21 de brevete de inventie pe care cele 2 companii se acuza reciproc, ca le-ar fi incalcat. Apple invoca 15 brevete si Motorola 6 iar judecatorul care prezida cauza a adus in atentia celor doua companii faptul ca prea multe brevete de inventie au fost invocate si ca lista ar trebui redusa substantial. In final Apple a ales 8 si Motorola 3 brevete insa judecatorul a respins 2 dintre brevetele celor de la Apple si acum 9 brevete de inventie(6 pentru Apple si 3 pentru Motorola) sunt puse in discutie in fata instantei din Illinois.
The order acknowledges that Apple and Motorola made a January 30 submission (which is not in the public electronic record, at least at this stage) that complied with a request to inform the court “of what patents they wish to litigate in the liability trial”, but “not fully satisfactorily”. The judge wants more “winnowing” (as he likes to call the narrowing of a case by dropping patent claims) to take place. Originally, there were 21 patents at issue: 15 Apple and 6 Motorola patents. The judge threw out some of those claims on summary judgment, and the parties dropped others in order to be cooperative and narrow the case. This “winnowing” effort had the judge himself confused at some point. On January 23, he listed eight Apple and three Motorola patents that he believed were at issue. After he ruled, by summary judgment, that two of Apple’s remaining patents weren’t infringed, there would have been six Apple and three Motorola patents in play.
Printre brevetele de inventie ramase in discutie pentru Motorola gasim tehnologii pentru comunicatii prin retele GPRS, GSM si CDMA plus un sistem de paging folosit pentru redistribuirea traficului. La Apple avem brevete care descriu tehnologii pentru: afisarea statusului unui dispozitiv, celebrul brevet realtime API, metode de a afisa notificari in functie de orientarea unui obiect, multitasking, etc. Apple ii acuza pe cei de la Motorola ca se folosesc de brevete FRAND pentru a isi sustine cauza si este posibil sa obtina o victorie in baza acestor acuzatii daca Motorola nu isi respecta obligatiile cu privire la acest standard.
In final procesul va continua cu restul celor 9 brevete ramase in discutie insa nu se stie cine va avea mai mult succes in dovedirea propriilor afirmatii.