Recent un analist al Citi Financial s-a intalnit cu CEO-ul Apple Tim Cook si CFO-ul Peter Oppenheimer pentru a discuta strategia de viitor a companiei Apple. Fiind intrebat daca Apple pregateste un MacBook echipat cu procesoare ARM, Tim Cook a tinut sa precizeze faptul ca un asemenea produs nu va fi disponibil pe piata dar ca tableta iPad ii va satisface pe cei care cer asa ceva. Mai mult decat atat, Apple priveste tableta iPad ca un dispozitiv al erei post-PC si nu ca un PC, asta spre deosebire de parerile tuturor analistilor care considera tableta iPad ca fiind un PC.
Apple doesn’t refer to iPad as a PC, but as a “post-PC device,” leaving the ARM-based tablet distinct from the company’s Intel-based Macs. Gardner further indicated the meeting dispelled the notion that Apple might introduce ARM-based Macs, countering rumors that a new MacBook Air featuring an ARM processor might appear sometime soon.Gardner cited Cook as alluding to “rapid innovation on the iOS platform” that will “significantly broaden the use case for tablets,” and stated he “walked away from this meeting with the impression that Apple feels iPad satisfies—or will soon satisfy—the needs of those who might have been interested in such a product” as an ARM-based MacBook Air.
In momentul de fata cei de la Apple se bazeaza pe segmentul de inovare care va aduce schimbari in platforma iOS si extinde functionalitatea tabletei iPad. E greu de spus cat de departe poate duce Apple conceptul tabletei iPad pentru a convinge consumatorii ca un asemenea produs este mai util decat un PC insa in iPad 3 ar trebui sa vedem o parte din schimbarile despre care vorbeste Tim Cook.
This post was last modified on feb. 4, 2012, 8:41 AM 08:41