UPDATE: iPad interzisa la vanzare intr-o regiune din China! Apple vrea sa dea Proview in judecata pentru defaimarea imaginii companiei!

  Dupa cateva saptamani in care Proview s-a chinuti sa interzica vanzarile tabletei iPad in China iata ca astazi o instanta locala a decis ca vanzatorii dintr-o anumita regiunie a tarii sa nu mai comercializeze tablete iPad. Decizia a fost data saptamana trecuta de o instanta din orasul Huizhou din provincia chineza Guangdong si este aplicabila imediat de catre autoritati dar aparent numai in acea provincie. In baza ei Proview poate obliga autoritatile din China sa oblige orice comerciant  din provincia Guangdong sa scoata tableta iPad din vanzare si aici includem magazinele companiei Apple, chiar si cele online.

SHANGHAI – A court in southern China has ruled that sales of iPads by local distributors violate the trademark rights of a local manufacturer engaged in a widening dispute with Apple Inc. The lawyer for the company suing Apple said Monday that the Intermediate People’s Court in Huizhou, a city in southern China’s Guangdong province, ruled late last week that distributors should stop selling iPads in China. Proview, a maker of computer monitors and other related products that is based in Guangdong, has asked regulators to seize iPads in China in a possible prelude to demanding a payout from Apple. A Shanghai court is due to hear a similar case on Wednesday.

  Miercuri o instanta din Shanghai va judeca o cerere similara a companiei Proview si atunci s-ar putea sa asistam la o interdictie pentru toata China ori doar pentru Shanhai si provinciile apropiate.

UPDATE 16:45: Apple deocamdata nu face prea multe si un purtator de cuvant a reiterat ideea ca Proview nu isi respecta angajamentele. Apple incearca sa lupte impotriva interdictiei, are guvernul de partea sa insa va intenta in acelasi timp o cerere de chemare in judecata prin care va acusa Proview de prezentarea unor informatii defaimatoare. Appe i-a trimis o scrisoare CEO-ului Proview prin care ii cere sa nu mai ofere informatii defaimatoare catre presa altfel risca sa fie actionat in judecata insa nu cred ca asemenea actiuni vor ajuta in vreun fel la rezolvarea problemei de fond.

We bought Proview’s worldwide rights to the iPad trademark in 10 different countries several years ago. Proview refuses to honor their agreement with Apple in China and a Hong Kong court has sided with Apple in this matter.

On Monday, Apple sent a letter to Chinese display vendor Proview, demanding its founder Yang Rongshan cease releasing what it said was false information to the media. Apple then warned it would sue for damages caused by “defamatory statements.”

“It is inappropriate to release information contrary to the facts to the media, especially when such disclosures have the effect of wrongfully causing damage to Apple’s reputation,” said the letter, which was provided by a person familiar with the matter.

This post was last modified on feb. 20, 2012, 4:40 PM 16:40

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