50% dintre americanii care au cumparat Kindle Fire vor iPad 3

  Anul 2011 a adus in SUA mirajul numit Kindle Fire, o tableta de doar 200$ care promitea sa ofere tot ceea ce alte tablete cu pret dublu ofera utiliatorilor. Amazon a vandut milioane de tablete Kindle Fire in perioada sarbatorilor de iarna insa in final extrem de multa lume a fost nemultumita de achizitia facuta. Tableta de 7 inch nu functiona chiar atat de bine, sistemul de operare avea mari probleme si browserul “extrem de rapid” s-a dovedit a fi nu chiar atat de grozav. Conform unui studiu

derulat recent in SUA, 50% dintre cei care au achizitionat tableta Kindle Fire sunt gata sa cumpere iPad 3-ul companiei Apple.

Over 58 percent surveyed said they wanted to upgrade their current tablet, while 74 percent admitted no other tablet is in the same league as the iPad. In addition, over half of Kindle Fire owners said they plan on buying the iPad 3, which certainly says a lot about how much interest Apple’s tablet has garnered before its imminent rumored March release. “When it comes to tablets, Apple’s iPad will continue to remain the leader,” said Yung Trang, president of TechBargains.com. “But what’s very interesting is that Kindle Fire was released just three months ago and yet more than half of Fire owners already know that they will, in fact, buy the iPad 3. This could be a commentary on consumer dissatisfaction with Amazon’s product or simply a message that the iPad’s user experience remains unparalleled.”

  Practic o mare majoritate dintre cei care au participat la sondaj nu sunt multumiti de tableta lor insa interesant este ca multi o schimba la doar cateva luni dupa achizitie. Desi s-a spus ca aceasta tableta Kindle Fire ar fura din cota de piata a tabletei iPad, iata ca in final nu face altceva decat sa trimita clienti catre Apple.

This post was last modified on feb. 22, 2012, 11:33 AM 11:33

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