O companie luxembourgheza numita Core Wireless foloseste 8 brevete de inventie ale companiei Nokia pentru a actiona in judecata compania Apple. Standardul 3GPP, dezvoltat de Nokia si utilizat in toate smartphone-urile sale, este pus in discutie si desi compania Apple a licentiat de la Nokia o multitudine de tehnologii, aceasta pare sa nu se afle printre ele. Detalii in legatura cu procesul intentat la o instanta din Texas nu prea exista insa se pare ca iPhone 3G/3GS/4/4S si iPad 1/2 ar incalca toate cele 8 brevete de inventie puse in discutie.
Core Wireless Licensing states that “Apple’s infringing activities have been and continue to be willful. Upon information and belief, at least as early as June 14, 2011, upon settlement of all patent litigation between Apple and Nokia through a licensing agreement, Apple was aware of the 7,606,910 patent [and all of the other patents listed below], had knowledge of the infringing nature of its activities, and has nevertheless continued its infringing activities.” The alleged infringing products in this case include the iPad, iPad 2, iPhones 3G, 3GS, iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S.
Aceasta nu este prima oara cand Apple este actionata in judecata de catre companii care nu par sa aiba autoritatea sa faca acest lucru insa din moment ce Apple a licentia 8 tehnologii de la Nokia exista foarte multe sanse ca acest proces sa dispara la fel de repede precum a aparut.
This post was last modified on mart. 4, 2012, 7:12 PM 19:12