Cei de la TheVerge au informatii proaspete pentru toti iubitorii de iDevice-uri de pe planeta si unele dintre ele sunt cu adevarat noi. Pentru inceput se confirma faptul ca iPad 3 va avea Retina Display si un chip baseband 4G LTE insa aflam acum ca tableta ar urma sa vina cu mai mul RAM dar fara procesor quad-core. Procesorul A5X, o versiune mai buna a actualului A5, va fi disponibil maine si va fi mai rapid, probabil cu un chip grafic mai bun si cu mai mult RAM, deci dorintele multora se vor indeplini. In ceea ce priveste procesorul quad-core din chip-ul A6 se pare ca Apple ar astepta lansarea iPhone 5 pentru a il prezenta lumii intregi.
According to sources familiar with the matter, Apple will update both the new Apple TV and the iPad 3 (or iPad HD, a name we first unearthed last year) not with the rumored, quad-core A6 system-on-a-chip, but rather the A5X, a dual-core SoC said to have a more powerful GPU. From what we’re hearing, it’s basically an A5 on steroids. Our source was adamant that neither of the new products would be receiving the next generation chip — rather, that Apple seems to be waiting for the launch of the iPhone 5 to introduce the rumored A6. Our sources say that there’s no question the new iPad will tout that 2048 x 1536 Retina Display, but we’re also told that along with the A5X, the device will have more RAM than its predecessor, and come in a variety of LTE flavors.
Partea cea mai proasta este ca tableta iPad 3 ar putea fi disponibila in mai multe versiuni, mai exact o versiune care va functiona cu retelele LTE si o alta compatibila cu retele 3G/CDMA deci in Romania versiunea LTE nu ar fi utilizabila pana cand operatorii nostri se vor hotara sa introduca asemenea retele. Pe langa iPad 3 se pare ca vom avea si un Apple TV care va avea un procesor mai bun si va fi capabil sa ruleze filme in format 1080 fara probleme, lucru pe care actualul dispozitiv nu il poate face in momentul de fata.
There have been rumors flying that the iPad 3 would be LTE capable, and we’re told that it will definitely be announced for both the Verizon and AT&T networks tomorrow. To be clear, that would mean two distinct, separate versions of the LTE tablet (one for each network). In addition, there’s a third international model which does double duty on 3G; a CDMA / GSM model using a similar radio chipset to the iPhone 4S (a Qualcomm Gobi chip). That’s a little odd considering LTE chipsets from Qualcomm can be utilized on those same bands, but there may be reasons (cost for instance) that Apple would want to separate the hardware.
In concluzie iPad 3/HD va dezamagi si va bucura dar asta numai daca este sa dam crezare zvonurilor.
UPDATE: Cei de la 9to5mac sustin ca iPad 3 va avea 1 GB RAM insa informatia este desigur neconfirmata.
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