The New iPad – iata tot ce trebuie sa stii despre noua tableta a companiei Apple(Video)

The New iPad

  Acum cateva secunde Apple a prezentat noua tableta care spre uimirea tuturor nu are denumirea iPad 3 sau iPad HD ci simplu iPad. Apple a schimbat foarte multe in noua sa tableta iar mai jos voi discuta despre toate pentru a va explica la ce trebuie sa va asteptati cand urmeaza sa o cumparati din Romania incepand cu data de 23 martie. Impreuna cu noua tableta iPad va fi disponibila o noua versiune a tablete iPad 2 care ar trebui sa fie cu 100$ mai ieftina in SUA si teoretic cu 100€ mai ieftina in Romania daca se respecta toate regulile. Acestea fiind spuse, aveti mai jos un clip video de prezentare a noii tablete plus tot ce trebuie sa stiti in legatura cu ea.



In cadrul conferintei din aceasta seara Apple a anuntat ca noua tableta iPad va avea un procesor A5x dual-core dar si un procesor grafic quad-core care va fi capabil sa sustina noul ecran Retina cu rezolutie 2048 x 1536. Nu se stie desigur frecventa noului procesor insa acesta este construit pe baza vechiului A5 disponibil in iDevice-urile actuale. Vroiam cu totii quad-core in iPad 3 insa iata ca Apple ne ofera doar un dual-core insa cu un chip grafic mult mult mai bun! Nu se stie inca cat RAM are tableta dar se zvoneste ca 1 GB de ram va fi disponibil pentru utilizatori!



  Noua tableta iPad vine cu un Retina Display ce are o rezolutie de 2048 x 1536 pixeli si 264 pixeli per inch. Apple spune ca imaginile se vad mai clar decat intr-un ziar deci vom avea parte de calitate exceptionala pe un dispozitiv cu un ecran de doar 9.7 inch. 3.1 milioane de pixeli se regasesc in ecranul noii tablete insa el vine si 44% mai multa saturatie a culorilor iar in mare va oferi tot ceea ce ofera acum ecranul din iPhone 4 sau iPhone 4S.


  Nouta tableta iPad a companiei Apple functioneaza atat pe retele 3G cat si pe retele 4G LTE capabile sa atinga viteze de pana la 72 Mbps oriunde in lume. Apple a implementat in noua sa tableta un chip baseband capabil sa functioneze oriunde in lume pe retele : EVDO de 3.1 Mbps, HSPA de 7.1 Mbps, HSPA+ de 21 Mbps, DC-HSDPA de 42 Mbps si 4G LTE de 72 Mbps. Noua tableta va functiona cu oricare dintre aceste retele la nivel global deci o vom putea utiliza fara probleme oriunde in lume. In plus noul dispozitiv va permite stabilirea de HotSpot-uri astfel ca veti putea partaja conexiunea de internet cu oricine doriti.

  Desi tableta iPad are conectivitate 4G LTE, in Romania retelele de telefonie mobila ar putea folosi alte frecvente decat cele utilizate de iPad.


Noua tableta iPad 3 a celor de la Apple vine echipata cu o camera iSight de 5 megapixeli in partea din spate, adica acea camera disponibila in iPhone 4. Acest modul de camera este capabil sa filmeze in format 1080p direct de pe noua tableta, filmele putand fi vizionate fie pe tableta fie pe un televizor folosind noul Apple TV 3G. Camera vie cu un senzor iluminat si un senzor hibrid cu infrarosu care permite inregistrarea inregistrarea de poze de calitate superioara in conditii de luminozitate scazuta. Practic noua camera beneficiaza de tehnologia din iPhone 4S insa are doar 5 megapixeli si nu are un flash LED incorporat. In partea din fata tableta iPad are montata o noua camera VGA care permite utilizatorilor sa faca apeluri FaceTime la rezolutie mai buna decat folosind iPad 2 si intr-un mod asemanator cu cel oferit de iPhone 4S. Noua camera vine si cu un stabilizator de imagine, autofocus si recunoastere faciala insa ramane de vazut cati o vor folosi.

  Apple sustine ca noua sa camera beneficiaza de o tehnologie numita temporal noise reduction care compara pixelii care se “misca” intr-o filmare si incearca sa compenseze acea miscare oferind o imagine de calitate cat mai buna.

Scriere dupa dictare

  Apple implementeaza in noua tableta iPad sistemul de scriere dupa dictare disponibil deja in terminalul iPhone 4S impreuna cu Siri. Desigur ca in iPad 3 nu vom avea Siri insa vom avea un buton in tastatura tabletei care ne va permite sa recitam text in microfonul ei, text care va fi mai apoi scris in orice aplicatie dorim. Acest sistem este util celor care folosesc tableta in locul unui calculator insa este desigur compatibil cu limbile engleza, germana, franceza si japoneza.

Autonomie si design

  Noua tableta a celor de la Apple are o grosime de 9.4 mm deci zvonurile care sustineau ca ea va fi cu mai putin de 1 mm mai groasa s-au adeverit. Din pacate tableta este si putin mai grea cu cateva grame insa diferenta este nesemnificativa si extrem de putina lume o va observa. Partea buna este ca tableta ofera aceeasi autonomie de 10 ore pentru utilizatori iar in cazul utilizarii pe retele 4G ofera nu mai putin de 9 ore de autonomie, un adevarat record pentru o tableta de acest gen.


  Astazi pe scena conferintei Apple Phill Schiller a annutat ca tableta iPad 3 ar urma sa fie disponibila incepand din 16 martie in 10 tari de pe glob, SUA, Canada, Marea Britanie, Franta, Germania, Elvetia, Japonia, Hong Kong, Singapore si Puerto Rico precomenzile incepand deja. Totodata din data de 23 martie tableta va fi disponibila in mult mai multe tari de pe glob, Romania aparand in lista cu disponibilitate din acea data. Presupun ca resellerii autorizati de produse Apple si unii retaileri online vor beneficia de noile tablete si preturile vor fi aceleasi precum in cazul tabletei iPad 2 disponibila acum.

Apple Launches New iPad

New iPad Features Retina Display, A5X Chip, 5 Megapixel iSight Camera & Ultrafast 4G LTE

SAN FRANCISCO―March 7, 2012―Apple® today introduced the new iPad®, the third generation of its category defining mobile device, featuring a stunning new Retina™ display, Apple’s new A5X chip with quad-core graphics and a 5 megapixel iSight® camera with advanced optics for capturing amazing photos and 1080p HD video. iPad with Wi-Fi + 4G connects to fast networks worldwide, including AT&T’s and Verizon’s 4G LTE networks, and still delivers the same all-day 10 hour battery life* while remaining amazingly thin and light. Beginning today, iPad 2 will be offered at an even more affordable price starting at just $399.

“The new iPad redefines the category Apple created less than two years ago, delivering the most amazing experience people have ever had with technology,” said Philip Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing. “The new iPad now has the highest resolution display ever seen on a mobile device with 3.1 million pixels, delivering razor sharp text and unbelievable detail in photos and videos.”

The new iPad’s Retina display delivers four times the number of pixels of iPad 2, so dense that the human eye is unable to distinguish individual pixels when held at a normal distance, making web pages, text, images and video look incredibly sharp and realistic. The 3.1 million pixels in the Retina display are more than one million more pixels than an HD TV, and with 44 percent increased color saturation the new iPad displays colors that are unbelievably richer, deeper and more vivid. Movies are now capable of playing at full 1080p HD-resolution, delivering an incomparable viewing experience on a mobile device.

The powerful new A5X chip with quad-core graphics was specifically designed by Apple to deliver a fast, responsive user experience while supporting the incredible Retina display. With double the graphics performance of the A5 chip, the A5X provides a superb balance between performance and power efficiency so users can enjoy all the benefits of the stunning new display while experiencing a smooth Multi-Touch™ interface, immersive gameplay, incredible visual depth and all-day battery life that iPad is known for delivering.

The 5 megapixel iSight camera features advanced optics for taking stunning pictures and recording full HD video. Backside illumination allows you to take great photos in low-light conditions and a new video image stabilization feature removes the bumps and shakes typically seen when filming with a hand-held device. Images can be enjoyed on the large Retina display, then edited, enhanced and easily shared with friends and family using the built-in Photos app on iPad. 

iPad Wi-Fi + 4G with built-in next generation 4G LTE has the most comprehensive support for fast networks worldwide including HSPA+ and DC-HSDPA, and now both CDMA and GSM iPad users have the ability to easily roam internationally. The world-ready iPad delivers blazing download and upload speeds so web pages load incredibly quickly and email with large attachments can be sent and received easily. Personal Hotspot can be used to share the fast network connection on your iPad with up to 5 other devices using Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or USB**. 

With iOS 5.1, the latest update to the world’s most advanced mobile operating system, the new iPad has a number of new features and enhancements including: a redesigned Camera app with video stabilization technology; the ability to delete photos from Photo Stream; support for dictation in English, French, German and Japanese; and Personal Hotspot. iOS 5.1 also works seamlessly with iCloud®, a breakthrough set of free cloud services including iTunes® in the Cloud, Photo Stream and Documents in the Cloud, that works seamlessly with your iPhone®, iPad, iPod touch®, Mac® or PC to automatically and wirelessly store your content and push it to your devices. When content changes on one of your devices, your other devices are updated automatically.

The new iPad also supports dictation, another amazing way to get things done just using your voice. Instead of typing, tap the microphone icon on the keyboard, then say what you want to say and the new iPad listens. Tap done, and iPad converts your words into text. You can use dictation to write messages, take notes, search the web and more. Dictation also works with third-party apps, so you can update your Facebook status, tweet, or write Instagram captions.

Apple also introduced the iPhoto® app, along with major updates to iMovie® and GarageBand®, completing its suite of iLife® apps for iOS. iLife and the iWork® apps, Pages®, Keynote® and Numbers®, have all been updated to take advantage of the new iPad Retina display. iPhoto includes breakthrough Multi-Touch features so you can use simple gestures to sort through hundreds of photos and find your best shots, enhance and retouch your images using fingertip brushes and share stunning photo journals with iCloud. iMovie now gives you the ability to create amazing Hollywood-style trailers as you record HD video, and GarageBand introduces Jam Session, an innovative and fun new feature that allows a group of friends to wirelessly connect to play instruments and record music together live on their iOS devices.

iPad runs almost all of the over 585,000 apps available on the App Store™, including more than 200,000 native iPad apps, from a wide range of categories, including books, games, business, news, sports, health, reference and travel. The iTunes Store® puts the world’s most popular online music, TV and movie store at your fingertips with a catalog of over 20 million songs, over 90,000 TV episodes and over 15,000 movies. The new iBooks® 2 app for iPad lets users experience an entirely new kind of ebook that’s dynamic, engaging and truly interactive. iBooks created with Apple’s new iBooks Author offer gorgeous, fullscreen ebooks with interactive animations, diagrams, photos, videos, unrivaled navigation and much more.