WhatsApp Messenger update disponibil in App Store, aduce multe noutati

  WhatsAppMessenger este fara indoiala cea mai populara aplicatie de mesagerie a momentului iar in cursul serii trecute dezvoltatorii ei au lansat un update in App Store. Noua versiune a aplicatiei aduce foarte multe noutati iar printre ele trebuie mentionate deja cunoscutele bug fix-uri si imbunatatiri ale performantei aplicatiei. Totusi asta nu este tot deoarece acum posesorii de iDevice-uri cu iOS 3/4 pot partaja locatia in mesaje, aplicatia contine suport pentru cateva limbi noi si altele vor fi disponibile in curand, aplicatia afiseaza si o animatie cand un contact scrie un mesaj in casuta de chat plus multe altele :

  • improve ability to share places, add places search
  • add ability to share places from devices running iOS 3 and iOS 4
  • fix bug with some photos taking long time to load when sending images
  • display group chat participant names under Group Subject in the navigation bar
  • swedish, finnish, polish, spanish, japanese, and other localization updates (more languages coming in a few days)
  • direct message a group contact via tap and hold on message bubble in Group conversation screen
  • indicate when Groups are muted in Chats view
  • show when contact is typing in Chats view
  • small icon to better indicate a place was sent/receive in Chats view
  • Alert about call charges before making a call for the first time from WhatsApp
  • any group chat participant can now update group icon
  • bug fixes, crash fixes, etc…

  WhatsAppMessenger este disponibil pentru 0.79€ si functioneaza doar pe iPhone.

Pretul initial:
WhatsApp Messenger



Developer: WhatsApp Inc.
Categoria: Social Networking

Descriere: WhatsApp Messenger is a cross-platform smartphone messenger currently available for iPhone, Android, BlackBerry and Nokia phones. The application utilizes push notifications to instantly get messages from…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 9.5 Mb

This post was last modified on mart. 8, 2012, 10:21 PM 22:21

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