Tableta iPad ar putea incalca brevetele de inventie ale unei companii americane care a actionat Apple in judecata

  Tableta iPad nici macar nu a ajuns in magazine si o companie din SUA deja sustine ca Apple a incalcat anumite brevete de inventie in dezvoltarea ei. Mai exact, tehnologia 4G este adusa in discutie de catre compania ADAPTIX care sustine ca ea detine brevete de inventie pentru tehnologiile pe care Apple le utilizeaza in noua sa tableta. Actiunea a fost introdusa ieri la o instanta din Texas si compania sustine ca ea detine brevete de inventie care descriu tehnologii esentiale pentru implementarea si utilizarea standardului 4G in terminale mobile.

On information and belief, Apple is directly and/or indirectly infringing at least one claim of the ‘212 Patent in this judicial district and elsewhere in Texas and the United States by, among other things, making, using, offering for sale, selling and/or importing computerized devices including without limitation Retina display iPads sold to AT&T which, at a minimum, directly infringe the ‘212 Patent.

  Apple nu este o companie care se expune inutil unui asemenea gen de procese si e greu de spus acum daca acuzatiile celor de la ADAPTIX sunt adevarate insa presupun ca echipa legala a companiei Apple si-a “facut temele” inainte de a permite utilizarea tehnologiei 4G in tableta. In lunile urmatoare vom afla mai multe despre acest proces insa interesant este ca au trecut abia doua zile de la prezentarea tabletei si aceasta este deja atacata.

ADAPTIX Inc., of Dallas Texas is an award-winning technology company long recognized in the industry as one of the first developers of cutting edge OFDMA-based mobile wireless systems. The company claims to have conceived, built, and patented critical equipment and network features that form the foundation of today’s advanced 4G broadband wireless technology and systems. Late Friday, the company launched a patent infringement lawsuit against Apple over their new iPad with LTE and Retina Display.

This post was last modified on mart. 10, 2012, 4:37 PM 16:37

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