Gizmon – o carcasa tip \”camera\” pentru iPhone

Gizmon iPhone

  Gizmon este o carcasa pentru iPhone care aduce posesorilor de iDevice-uri posibilitatea de a isi transforma propriul iPhone intr-o “camera”. Carcasa arata in exterior exact precum o camera fabricata acum cateva decenii insa in interior permite montarea unui terminal iPhone. Carcasa are un locas special in care este expusa camera dispozitivului si cu ajutorul unuia dintre butoanele exterioare utilizatorii pot face poze fara prea mult efort. Toate pozele sunt facute pe propriul terminal insa de la distanta dati impresia ca utilizati o camera normala.

The ultimate iPhone case has just been reborn. Taking you back to the days of Military Photographers and their Leica rangefinders, the iCA Military Edition has arrived in solid black. Transform your iPhone 4/s into a classic photojournalist’s rangefinder complete with viewfinder and top mounted shutter button. Attach the available wide, macro or fisheye lenses to create incredible effects unavailable in the iPhone by itself. Step back in time to the days of classically proportioned cameras that fit your hand like a glove, and do it all with one product : the Gizmon iCA Military Edition.

  Gizmon poate fi precomandata de aici pentru 70$ iar livrarile incep pe 17 martie.

Thanks to M.