Microsoft le interzice angajatilor sa cumpere produse Apple folosind banii companiei

  Daca Bill Gates le-a interzis copiilor sai sa-si cumpere un iPod, atunci poate ca e normal ca Microsoft sa le interzica propriilor angajati sa cumpere produse Apple folosind fondurile companiei. Informatiile vin dintr-un presupus email trimis de catre divizia care se ocupa cu achizitiile in cadrul Microsoft si compania intentioneaza sa nu mai cumpere Mac-uri si tablete iPad folosind fonduri proprii. In momentul de fata nu s-ar cheltui foarte multi bani pe asemenea achizitii insa cei de la Microsoft ar fi hotarati sa le opreasca de tot si pentru toate tarile in care activeaza.

  Microsoft nu mai cumpara de ceva vreme nici iPhone-uri si si-a echipat angajatii cu terminale Windows Phone insa nu le interzice sa foloseasca dispozitivele altor companii atunci cand vin la serviciu sau cand se prezinta in conferintele oficiale. Eu vad aceasta restrictie ca fiind una logica avand in vedere ca Microsoft finanteaza alte companii prin aceste achizitii.

From: Alain Crozier
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 1:17 PM

Subject: Apple Purchases

Within SMSG we are putting in place a new policy that says that Apple products (Mac & iPad) should not be purchased with company funds.

In the US we will be turning off the Apple products from the Zones Catalog next week, which is the standard purchasing mechanism for these products.

Outside of the US — we will work with your finance and procurement teams to send the right message and put the right processes in place.

The current purchase levels are low, however we recognize there will be a bit of transition work associated with this.  Details of historical purchases in the US are provided in the attachment to help understand the changes that will be needed.Thank you for your support and leadership on this.

Alain Crozier
CFO  |  WW Sales, Marketing & Services Group
WW SMSG Finance

This post was last modified on mart. 21, 2012, 9:27 AM 09:27

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