Astazi compania finlandeza Rovio a lansat in App Store Angry Birds Space, cea mai noua versiune a celebrului joc pentru iDevice/Mac-uri. Noul titlu este dezvoltat in colaborare cu agentia spatiala NASA si aduce pentru utilizatori un nou stil de joc pe care sunt sigur ca il veti iubi. Eu am ramas placut surprins de surpriza facuta de Rovio prin acest joc si cred ca daca pe viitor vor privi alte lansari cel putin la fel de serios atunci Angry Birds are sanse foarte mari sa continue pe acelasi drum pe care este acum.
After a giant claw kidnaps their eggs, the Angry Birds chase it into a wormhole and find themselves floating in a strange new galaxy – surrounded by space pigs! Luckily the Angry Birds have super powers of their own…
Angry Birds Space features 60 interstellar levels on planets and in zero gravity, resulting in spectacular gameplay ranging from slow-motion puzzles to lightspeed destruction. With regular free updates, new in-app purchases, brand new birds, brand new superpowers, and a whole galaxy to explore, the sky is no longer the limit!
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UPDATE, castigatorii: Ari razvan , Munteanu Bogdan , Antonio, Gabi , Andrei Ionut
This post was last modified on mart. 23, 2012, 6:52 PM 18:52