Nokia este nemultumita de design-ul Nano SIM-ului conceput de Apple

  V-am spus ieri ca Apple si alte cateva mari companii producatoare de telefoane mobile incearca sa convinga ETSI sa adopte un nou standard pentru cartele. Nano-SIM este numele noilor cartele pe care producatorii de telefoane mobile vor sa le foloseasca in viitoarele dispozitive si Nokia, Apple, RIM si Motorola au cate o propunere proprie cu privire la design-ul cartelelor, propunerile fiind trimise catre European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), organizatia care va decide ce standard urmeaza sa fie impus. Cei de la Nokia sunt nemultumiti de propunerea companiei Apple spunand ca design-ul conceput de catre compania americana este gresit deoarece s-ar strica mai usor, ar avea un design urat si ar genera confuzie in randul utilizatorilor.

  Cei de la Nokia spun ca design-ul propus de Apple nu ar impune reducerea dimensiunii cartelei pentru ca acea cartela ar trebui utilizata intr-un “sertar SIM” deci dimensiunile ar ramane la fel. Nokia sustine ca design-ul sau presupune reducerea dimensiunilor cartele, nu genereaza confuzie si ar fi mai usor de adoptat la scara larga de catre toti operatorii de telefonie mobila. Indiferent care va fi rezultatul final, este clar ca Apple a starnit din nou controverse dar exista sanse mari sa aiba castig de cauza pentru ca are sustinerea operatorilor de telefonie mobila. Mai jos aveti pozitia oficiala a companiei Nokia cu privire la aceasta problema.

Apple’s proposal does not meet all of the pre-agreed requirements for ETSI’s planned 4FF standard (the so-called nano SIM). The proposal from Nokia, RIM and Motorola does.

Nokia believes that our proposal has features which would make it easier for consumers to insert and remove the SIM without damage. Additionally, our proposed SIM has different dimensions from a micro SIM, one of ETSI’s requirements, which would avoid it getting stuck if inserted by mistake into a phone with a micro SIM slot. Apple’s proposed card is the same length as the width of current micro SIMs and so would risk jamming, leading to card and product damage.

We also feel that our proposal allows for more design options for the type of card reader, i.e. how the SIM is inserted into the device, to allow for a wider range of device form factors. Requiring a tray or SIM carrier would reduce design options and increase manufacturing cost, perhaps not significant for high end smartphones but it would be for lower cost devices.

The combination of our proposed card and the associated mechanics are smaller than those for a current micro SIM, allowing further miniaturization in devices. Though Apple’s proposed card is smaller than current micro SIMs, when combined with the associated mechanics needed in the phone, we don’t believe it represents a significant reduction in size. We believe that in practice it would mean it was just different from micro SIM, rather than smaller, which could be a barrier to broad adoption as an alternative to micro SIM, potentially leading to fragmentation.

In summary, Nokia believes that our proposed nano SIM would be easier for consumers to handle, enable a wider range of device designs and offer a true difference from the existing options with micro SIM. We look forward to continuing the discussions in more detail with our counterparts in ETSI.

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