Way too many Android apps fall back on a design that looks like a late-20th-century WAP site: a stack of modules designed to look good on narrow screens. Unfortunately, that design is completely inappropriate for a tablet. On the iPad, on the other hand, apps tend to use multiple panes or columns, which is a much better use of tablet real estate. This is actually a Google design recommendation for tablets. Developers just aren’t doing it. Most Android apps have always been resolution-independent, though, so developers and publishers could fool themselves into thinking their apps run Just Fine. They run, of course, in the sense that the code executes and they (mostly) fill the screen. So the developers stop there, able to check their “we have an Android tablet app” box. But the apps suck.
Aplicatiile pentru platforma iOS sunt prezentate ca fiind mai bune dar si mai multe, cei de la PCMag comparand oferta principalilor producatori de jocuri si descoperind ca pe platforma celor de la Apple exista mai multe jocuri ale producatorilor importanti. Problema design-ului aplicatiilor pentru platforma Android este veche si foarte multa lume sustine ca aplicatiile din App Store arata mai bine si functioneaza mai bine iar de aici avem probabil si diferenta in pret. Aplicatiile din App Store sunt fie mai scumpe fie platite in loc sa fie gratuite iar pe platforma Android ele sunt in general gratuite dar aparent mai proaste.
Apple se bazeaza foarte mult pe App Store-ul sau si in cazul noii tablete iPad am putea spune ca magazinul de aplicatii contribuie extrem de mult la convingerea unui utilizator sa cumpere produsul.