European lawmakers have set into motion a plan to cap roaming data charges in EU member states. While there are already caps in place for voice and SMS fees, these are set to drop further along with the introduction of a cap on mobile data for the first time. The deal has been agreed by European MEPs and the EU council presidency (currently occupied by Denmark), but it still needs approval from the wider EU Parliament in May before going into effect from the 1st of July this year.
Propunerea de reducere a tarifelor va trebui votata de Parlamentul European si se va aplica in toata Uniunea Europeana daca va fi aprobata iar ea prevede ca utilizatorii sa aiba posibilitatea de a cumpara optiuni de date pentru roaming de la orice operator din UE. Ideea este de a creste competitia dintre operatori si ideea este excelenta avand in vedere ca preturile foarte mari impiedica multi utilizatori sa foloseasca internetul in momentul in care calatoresc in strainatate.
This post was last modified on mart. 29, 2012, 10:58 AM 10:58