In cadrul unei conferinte ETSI ce are loc zilele acestea va fi organizat un vot pentru alegerea noului standard pentru cartele Nano SIM, standard care va fi utilizat de producatorii de telefoane mobile in viitor. Nokia a acuzat saptamana trecuta compania Apple ca incearca sa fraudeze alegerile si astazi RIM face exact acelasi lucru iar adevarul este ca Apple a facut cateva miscari care ar trebui sa ii asigure o victorie. RIM a trimis o scrisoare oficiala catre ETSI iar in ea specifica faptul ca trei angajati ai unor operatori de telefonie mobila din Marea Britanie si-ar fi schimbat afilierea fata de angajatori optand sa isi acorde voturile catre compania Apple.
“Over the last few days we have observed a number of representatives from one company changing their affiliation over night” RIM wrote in the letter, submitted to the ETSI on Wednesday, “and registering to the meeting not representing their employer or any of their affiliates but representing a completely different company.” The company cites three Apple UK employees who have apparently registered as representatives of Bell Mobility, KT Corp. and SK Telekom, as well as a Vodafone D2 GmbH employee registered as Telekom Austria AG.
Practic reprezentantii unor operatori de telefonie mobila si-au schimbat afilierea de la companiile care ii au ca si angajati la compania Apple in ideea de a oferi celor din Cupertino voturile necesare pentru a castiga. Cei de la RIM cer ETSI sa invalideze voturile celor care si-au schimbat afilierea si sa le dea posibilitatea de a vota doar in favoarea companiei care ii are ca si angajati. Se pare ca Vodafone ar sustine tactica celor de la Apple insa ramane de vazut in final cate voturi va avea compania si daca vor fi suficiente pentru a obtine ceea ce isi doreste.
We kindly ask that neither shall a person of one company who is appointed to carry the votes of another company be entitled to cast a vote on behalf of that company, nor shall a person of one company who is registered in the place of a person from another company and appointed to cast a vote on behalf of that other company, be allowed to cast a vote on behalf of that company.
Tactica aplicata de compania Apple este departe de a fi corecta insa indiferent ce am spune noi ea nu se va schimba dar asta nu inseamna ca ea trebuie sustinuta in vreun fel.
This post was last modified on mart. 30, 2012, 3:41 PM 15:41