Desi initial televizorul conceput de catre compania Apple a fost sugestiv denumit iTV, un analist american sustine ca adevarata denumire a produsului ar putea fi iPanel si dispozitivul ar fi mai mult decat un simplu televizor. Analistul american sustine ca in momentul de fata componentele necesare pentru fabricarea televizorului ar fi in drum spre fabricile partenerilor Apple si ca in luna mai companiile vor incepe oficial procesul de productie. Dispozitivul ar urma sa aiba un ecran IGZO capabil sa afisze imagini HD de calitate net superioara altor ecrane folosite pentru televizoare insa zvonul cu privire la ecranele IGZO le-am auzit si inaintea lansarii iPad 3 iar in final s-au dovedit a fi doar o simpla poveste.
Hai and its related entities are the largest shareholder (with a ~6% stake) in Chimei Innolux which is the largest LCD display manufacturer in Taiwan. Recent reports note that Chimei Innolux is running at 80% capacity utilization for its large- size panels, which leads us to believe that Hon Hai’s Sharp investment is less about securing capacity and more about its relationship with Apple and the upcoming launch of the iTV. We believe Sharp and Apple have modified the IGZO (indium, gallium, zinc) technology to make much-improved HD displays. The Sharp relationship will enable Apple to diversify away from Samsung and gain additional display capacity with leading-edge technology.
Lasand la o parte tehnologia ecranului trecem la denumire care se schimba din iTV in iPanel si eu unul cred ca noul nume este doar rodul imaginatiei unui angajat Apple ori numele de cod folosit de companie pentru prototipul televizorului. Analistul american sustine ca denumirea iPanel a fost aleasa din cauza faptului ca marca iTV a fost inregistrata de un post de televiziune britanic si nu se stie daca Apple ar fi interesata sa cumpere marca pentru produsul sau. O a doua explicatie ar avea legatura cu functiile produsului care nu ar fi doar un televizor ci un media hub, un “calculator” si un mediu in care utilizatorii ar putea accesa Game Center, spre exemplu.
Misek explains in an email this morning that his conjecture regarding the name derives from the fact that the “iTV” name is owned by the U.K. company of the same name, which has global rights, he says, “and won’t sell them based on recent checks,” although it’s still possible in the end the company could sell to Apple. “They may be just negotiating” at present, but he can’t be sure, he tells me… Moreover, “iPanel” is owned by Crestron, “which discontinued its product line and is focusing more on Apple products to integrate in their system,” he adds. It would be consistent, too, with a naming convention of “iP___” for Apple products. This is so much more than a TV…It is a display, gaming center, media hub, computer, home automator, etc. Also, Apple would likely have difficulty getting naming rights from the UK TV network ITV.
Indiferent cum va alege Apple sa isi denumeasca produsul, este foarte clar faptul ca televizorul exista si este testat deja in laboratoarele companiei.
UPDATE: Se pare ca noul iPanel ar putea costa nu mai putin de 1250$.