Steve Jobs, Android si razboiul care nu era doar pentru a isi motiva angajatii

  Aseara v-am prezentat afirmatiile CEO-ul Google Larry Page care a declarat ca razboiul lui Steve Jobs impotriva Android-ului a fost doar “de fatada” pentru a isi motiva angajatii sa dezvolte produse mai bune decat ale concurentei. Se pare ca afirmatiile sale ar fi fost intelese gresit de catre reporterul care i-ar fi luat un interviu deoarece el nu ar fi facut afirmatia respectiva. Pentru a intari ideea ca Steve Jobs chiar dorea sa distruga Android-ul, autorul biografiei sale autorizate compara episodul Android cu episodul Microsoft cand Bill Gates a furat interfata Mac OS si a licentiat-o altor companii, lucru pe care Google il face acum.

Isaacson emphasised that Steve Jobs believed in a closed system, where you control the hardware to go with the software. When Bill Gates took Apple’s graphical user interface that was bad enough, but what really infuriated Jobs was that Gates licensed the interface out “promiscuously”, to Dell and Compac, and IBM, and so on. As a result, “Microsoft ended up being dominant.” It’s almost copied verbatim by Android. And then they licence it around promiscuously. And then Android starts surpassing Apple in market share, and this totally infuriated him. It wasn’t a matter of money. He said: ‘You can’t pay me off, I’m here to destroy you’.

  Desi Bill Gates s-a rascumparat fata de Steve Jobs ajutandu-l sa salveze compania Apple de la faliment, insa fata de Google Jobs nu avea sentimente chiar atat de bune, mai ales ca aceasta era a doua oara cand era inselat. Steve Jobs era pornit sa distruga Android-ul, conform biografului sau, iar intregul razboi legal nu era facut pentru bani sau pentru a pastra aparentele. Acum adevarul probabil nu il vom sti vreodata insa nici nu prea mai conteaza acum.

This post was last modified on apr. 5, 2012, 6:07 PM 18:07

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