O femeie a incercat sa treaca ilegal granita in China cu 216 iPhone-uri ascunse in sticle de bere(Video)

  China este tara tuturor posibilitatilor dar si a marilor iubitori de terminale iPhone astfel ca o femeie a incercat

sa aduca ilegal din Hong Kong in Shenzen nu mai putin de 216 terminale iPhone 4/4S.  Partea interesanta la tentativa femeii sta in faptul ca terminalele erau ascunse in sticle de bere, da ati citit bine. Sticlele de bere au fost taiate in jumatate si in fiecare dintre cele cateva zeci de sticle au fost ascunse nu mai putin de 3 terminale iPhone 4/4S, iar femeia a incercat sa treaca granita cu ele, insa vamesii chinezi par a fi fost mai atenti decat de obicei.

An old lady was transporting a number of unwanted beer bottles from Hong Kong to Shenzhen, by crossing the Sha Tau Kok border. Usually, those empty beer bottles can be collected for recycling and earn you a few pennies. The officers from the Chinese custom were feeling suspicious while checking the empty bottles, because some of the bottles weight a little bit heavier. And they had found some taping in the middle part of the bottle, while a thin line-gap can be seen. Surprisingly the beer bottle was professionally cut into half and loaded with 3 iPhones. The officers carefully separated all the jointed-bottles and a total of 216 set iPhone 4/4s had been seized.

  Partea proasta este bisnitarii devin din ce in ce mai inventivi insa partea buna este ca vamesii chinezi “au ac de cojocul lor”.

This post was last modified on apr. 20, 2012, 8:48 PM 20:48

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