Apple foloseste fara drept o tehnologie brevetata de Motorola, ar putea fi obligata sa nu mai importe iPhone-uri si tablete iPad in SUA

  Batalia legala dintre Apple si Motorola continua astazi cu o decizie a unui judecator al unei curti de comert din SUA, decizie care da castig de cauza celor de la Motorola intr-o actiune deschisa in luna octombrie a anului 2010. Conform deciziei judecatorului, Apple ar incalca un brevet de inventie al Motorola care are legatura cu tehnologia Wi-Fi. Decizia judecatorului nu poate fi folosita inca pentru a bloca importul de iDevice-uri in SUA insa ea va fi verificata de un complet de 6 judecatori al aceleiasi curti, iar decizia lor poate fi utilizata pentru a impune aceasta interdictie de import.

ITC Judge Thomas Pender said Apple violated one of four Motorola Mobility patent rights. The patent relates to Wi-Fi technology. The judge’s findings are subject to review by the six-member commission, which has the power to block imports that infringe U.S. patents. Motorola Mobility filed the complaint Oct. 1, 2010, amid public statements by Apple that phones running on Google Inc Android operating system copied the iPhone. Android has become the most popular platform for mobile devices. Cupertino, California-based Apple has filed an ITC complaint against HTC Corp., another Android-handset maker.

  Cei de la Apple spun ca Motorola refuza sa licentieze tehnologia FRAND in termeni rezonabili si astfel a fost “fortata” sa o foloseasca fara acordul lor. Cei de la Apple sustin ca o instanta din Germania le-a dat castig de cauza intr-un proces care implica acelasi brevet de inventie, iar compania spera ca in august completul de 6 judecatori sa ia aceeasi decizie. Daca totusi nu se va intampla asa atunci Motorola are posibilitatea de a bloca importul de iDevice-uri in SUA pana cand va ajunge la o intelegere cu Apple.

“We are pleased that the ALJ’s initial determination finds Apple to be in violation of Motorola Mobility’s intellectual property, and look forward to the full commission’s ruling in August,” Motorola said in a statement to AllThingsD. “Our commitment to innovation is a primary reason why we are an industry-leader in intellectual property, and our focus continues to be on building on this strong foundation to enhance the user experience.”

“We’re glad the court ruled in our favor on three of four patents patents being considered,” Apple spokeswoman Kristin Huguet told AllThingsD. “The fourth covers industry-standard technology which Motorola has refused to license to Apple on reasonable terms. A court in Germany has already declared this patent invalid, so we believe we will have a very strong case on appeal.”

This post was last modified on apr. 24, 2012, 8:57 PM 20:57

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