PhotoProtect protejeaza pozele din aplicatia Photos a iOS

  PhotoProtect este un tweak lansat acum destul de mult timp in Cydia iar cu ajutorul sau puteti proteja pozele disponibile in aplicatia Photos. Apple nu ne ofera o metoda de a proteja pozele din respectiva aplicatie insa PhotoProtect face acest lucru, desi nu intr-un mod complet sigur. Tweak-ul are un meniu de setari in aplicatia Settings a iOS iar acolo il puteti activa si de indata ce o faceti el va impiedica stergerea pozelor din aplicatia Photos si atunci cand cineva incearca sa le stearga va afisa un o eroare utilizatorului.

Has someone else ever deleted one of your pictures, and you wish they wouldn’t have? PhotoProtect can fix this problem! PhotoProtect will prevent someone from deleting your photos, when they press the “Delete Photo” button they will instead see a popup (text configurable by you) warning them that they can’t do that. Popup text and button text are configurable via Settings, as well as an on/off switch (also in Settings) so that you can delete your photos intentionally. Instead of losing memories, save them with PhotoProtect!

  PhotoProtect a fost conceput pentru a functiona pe iOS 3.x/4.x insa teoretic ar trebui sa functioneze si pe iOS 5, dar nu veti putea protea albumele folosindu-l.

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