Cateva zeci de persoane blocheaza un Apple Store in Sydney, ar putea avea legatura cu o campanie publicitara facuta de Samsung(Video)


  Astazi in fata unii magazin Apple din Sydney persoanele din clipul video de mai sus au coborat dintr-un autocar si le-au cerut clientilor companiei Apple “sa se trezeasca”. Wake Up este sloganul unei campanii publicitare derulata de catre o agentie de publicitate din Australia si ea ar putea fi comandata de catre compania Samsung. Cei de la TheNextWeb spun ca Samsung incearca sa isi promoveze terminalul Samsung Galaxy S III prin aceasta metoda, insa ea este destul de neconventionala.

Samsung’s marketing machine appears to have gone into overdrive with reports that advertising agencies working on its behalf sent a bus full of protesters to the Apple Store in Sydney, Australia to tell customers to ‘Wake Up’. We know that Samsung is readying the launch of its ‘Next Galaxy’ smartphone, which is due to be unveiled on May 3, but the company may also be working on creating buzz for the handset in Australia. This campaign that takes aim at Apple (a company that is seeing its fair share of protests), showing a group dressed in black assemble outside Apple’s Sydney store, chanting “wake up” and holding placards decorated with the same message.

  Campania Wake Up are un website si in Australia exista bannere publicitare care dau de inteles ca in 8 zile se va intampla ceva, iar totul pare a avea legatura cu evenimentul de prezentare a Samsung Galaxy S III. Indiferent cine ar fi in spatele campaniei, eu sunt de parere ca miscarea este una disperata care nu stiu daca va atrage simpatia cuiva. Daca legal aceasta campanie de spoturile publicitare de acum cateva zile, atunci ne putem face o idee in legatura cu modul in care gandesc coreenii.