Problema Foxconn se muta acum din China in Brazilia deoarece angajatii de acolo ai producatorului chinez planuiesc sa intre in greva din cauza conditiilor grele de munca. Se pare ca angajatii nu au destula apa si mancare in fabrica si compania nu le pune la dispozitie mijloace de transport decente pentru a ajunge la fabrica, iar pe data de 3 mai acestia vor intra in greva. Deocamdata cei de la Foxconn au refuzat sa comenteze situatia, insa este destul de clar ca in cadrul acestei companii nu exista armonie, angajatii fiind tratati mai rau decat ni se da de inteles in emisiuni TV sau ziare.
Newspaper Jornal de Jundiai reports that workers at the plant will strike if issues surrounding severe water shortages, food, and transportation of employees are not resolved. In a statement the United Steelworkers of Jundiaí and Region said workers decided to give 10 days (from the Monday) for the company to resolve the issues raised in a meeting on Monday. According to the report by Jornal de Jundiai, a spokesman from the union said that lack of water as well as poor quality food was an issue for workers. As the number of employees at the plant grows, workers also complain that the infrastructure for transport has remained the same size, causing overcrowding in buses.
Nu stiu daca Apple sau jurnalistii americani se asteptau sa auda atat de repede despre existenta unor probleme in aceasta fabrica, pe care Foxconn a deschis-o de doar cateva luni, insa iata ca orice e posibil cu producatorul Chinez. In Brazilia Apple asambleaza terminale iPhone 4/4S si tablete iPad 2, insa in curand o linie de productie pentru tablete iPad 3 va fi deschisa. Daca angajatii intra in greva, atunci productia va fi afectata, insa nu cred ca va resimti cineva acest lucru la nivel global.