200 de angajati ai Foxconn s-au urcat pe o cladire a companiei si au amenintat ca se sinucid in urma unor neintelegeri privind salariile

  China este tara in care Foxconn are cele mai multe fabrici si cei mai multi angajati, insa din pacate este tara in care exista si cele mai multe probleme. Desi cei de la Foxconn sustin ca angajatii sai au salarii bune si muncesc in conditii sigure, 200 de angajati ai unei fabrici au amenintat cu sinuciderea din cauza unor dispute privind salariile castigate la fabricile companiei. Cei de la Foxconn sustin ca in incident au fost implicati angajati noi si ca totul a fost deja rezolvat in urma unor negocieri, insa este clar ca acolo exista probleme foarte mari din moment ce 200 de persoane s-au urcat pe o cladire intr-un gest disperat de a obtine ceva.

Workers at a Chinese factory owned by Foxconn, Apple Inc’s main manufacturer, threatened to jump off the roof of a building in a protest over wages.  The protest happened in the central city of Wuhan at one of Foxconn’s plants. It involved some 200 workers, the Hong-Kong based activist group Information Centre for Human Rights said. A spokesman for Hon Hai Precision Industry, the listed unit of the Foxconn group, said the protest concerned workplace adjustments and involved workers new to the plant. He said it was not a strike.

“The dispute has already been settled after some negotiations involving the human resources and legal departments as well as the local government,” the Taipei-based spokesman, Simon Tsing, said.

  Pentru Foxconn problemele acestea sunt frecvente si in general se rezolva repede, angajatii sai avand destula experienta in “dezamorsarea” lor. Din pacate Apple pierde din credibilitate cand spune ca la Foxconn “viata este roz”, iar noi observam ca oamenii sunt dispusi sa isi ia viata pentru modul prost in care sunt tratati, insa profitul conteaza mai mult.

This post was last modified on apr. 28, 2012, 8:58 AM 08:58

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