Desi iPhone 2G a schimbat radical ideea de smartphone, cei de la Apple nu au avut tot timpul in gand lansarea unui telefon mobil fara o tastatura fizica. Desi Steve Jobs a luat in ras smartphone-urile din anul 2007, realitatea este ca Apple a avut prototipuri ale unui iPhone care ar fi urmat sa aiba o tastatura fizica. Informatiile vin de la Tony Fadell, un fost angajat al Apple care a lucrat la toate iPod/iPhone-urile dezvoltate pana la iPhone 3GS, deci stie foarte bine cum a lucrat Apple pentru a concepe si produce aceste dispozitive.
He said there were three different versions: an “iPod + Phone,” a different iteration that was called the “iPhone,” and finally, the device that was ultimately introduced back in January of 2007. As for Fadell’s own take on a hardware keyboard? He told the audience tonight that he himself knew the potential of virtual keyboards, and personally wanted to wait to implement one before going with the hardware option. Fadell worked on the iPhone up until the 3GS — and was involved with a whopping 18 generations of the iPod line.
Trei modele ale iPhone/iPod Touch-ului au fost testate de Apple, iar Tony ar fi lansat un prim iPhone cu tastatura fizica si abia apoi ar fi trecut la unul cu ecran tactil. Desigur ca Steve Jobs a facut cum a dorit el, insa Tony Fadell a lucrat si la dezvoltarea iPhone 3G/3GS dupa care a parasit Apple, insa a pastrat o pozitie de consultant al lui Steve Jobs. Daca iPhone-ul ar fi fost lansat cu o tastatura fizica si Apple nu ar fi avut in vedere implementarea ecranelor tactile, atunci cred ca smartphone-urile de astazi ar fi aratat complet diferit.
This post was last modified on apr. 29, 2012, 11:55 AM 11:55