Tastatura tabletei iPad ar fi mult mai utila multumita acestui sistem(Video)

  Stim cu totii ca tastaturile virtuale nu sunt chiar atat de grozave pentru scris texte lungi intr-o perioada scurta de timp. Vina nu este a lor, ci a producatorilor lor, insa pentru tastatura virtuala din iOS-ul companiei Apple ar putea fi implementat un sistem care ar putea imbunatati complet experienta de utilizare a tastaturii. In clipul video de mai sus aveti prezentat sistemul si el practic se rezuma la posibilitatea de a muta cursorul de scriere prin gesturi facute pe tastatura virtuala, un lucru imposibil de realizat in momentul de fata.

  In mod normal trebuie sa mutati acel cursor apasand pe ecran in dreptul literei pe care doriti sa o modificati, insa sistemul acesta simplifica totul dandu-ne posibilitatae de a controla cursorul direct din tastatura. Din pacate nu se stie daca Apple are sau nu de gand sa il implementeze, insa daca doriti sa le dati de inteles celor de la Apple ca ar trebui sa faca acest lucru, atunci puteti urma instructiunile de mai jos.

1. Go to bugreport.apple.com, sign in and click “New Problem”

2. Set the title to “Editing Text on iPad (duplicate of rdar://11365152)”

3. Set the product to “iPad,” version number to “N/A,” classification to “Feature (New)” and is it reproducible to “not applicable.”

4. Copy the following letter and paste it in the Problem Details section then click submit

“I just saw Daniel Hooper’s iPad keyboard demo and I want that for my iPad! (Check out the video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGQTaHGQ04Q) Apple says the iPad is the future of the Post-PC world; if it’s going to be my primary keyboard, I want a better way to edit text!

Tapping directly on text to move the cursor works well for small portions of text, but we don’t just write short portions of text anymore! When performing lots of edits in larger documents the direct interaction metaphor falls apart for cursor control. Even short portions of text can be painful to edit when you need to move the cursor to a precise location. Would you ever want to write a document on your computer without using the arrow keys? This is the reality iPad users face because they do not have the equivalent of arrow keys.

There is a better way.

Take advantage of gestures by making a drag over the keyboard UI move the cursor. Move the cursor in word increments when dragging with two fingers. And finally, let the user select text while dragging when they hold down shift.”

This post was last modified on mai 3, 2012, 9:05 PM 21:05

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