Pod2G ofera detalii despre solutia de untethered jailbreak pentru iOS 5.1.1

  Astazi Pod2G a oferit pe blogul sau cateva detalii in legatura cu solutia de untethered jailbreak pe care urmeaza sa o lanseze in urmatoarele saptamani. Informatiile le stiati deja, Pod2G neadaugand ceva nou la ceea ce a prezentat in trecut, ci preferand sa listeze totul intr-un articol pentru a lamuri pe toata lumea. Practic Pod2G ne-a confirmat din nou ca solutia de untethered jailbreak va functiona pe iOS 5.1.1 cu toate iDevice-urile, iar Apple TV 3 va ramane fara jailbreak. Solutia va fi disponibila in saptamanile urmatoare si va fi usor de utilizat, iar aici se opreste totul.

  • The poll about releasing now or waiting for 6.0 ended with a 64% / 33% to release ASAP. Where is the link ? ETA ? How much % done ? etc.As I said earlier in twitter, there’s still a lot to do to have a user friendly and well tested tool to install the jailbreak on end users devices. Expect a release in a couple of weeks.
  • Will it be compatible with my <any random iOS device> ?It will be compatible with any device running iOS 5.1.1 except ATV3 (right now, may change in a near future, nobody knows).

    Yeah, I said _any_ , which means yeah <your iOS device>.

  • Why is it so slow to release now that the iPad 3,1 has been demoed ?There are 16 different devices out there to work on and to test. It takes time.
  • May I be a beta tester ?No, sorry. Only really trusted people (that can be counted on one hand) could have access to the jailbreak. I don’t want any leak to happen.
  • What if I offer you 1,000,000$ ?That doesn’t change a thing.

  Cand solutia de untethered jailbreak pentru iOS 5.1.1 va fi lansata va voi anunta.

UPDATE: Solutia de untethered jailbreak pentru iOS 5.1.1 este incompatibila cu iPod Touch 3G si ar putea fi incompatibila cu iPhone 3GS.

This post was last modified on mai 14, 2012, 3:53 PM 15:53

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