Desi pana acum nu am auzit despre vreun hacker sau vreo echipa de hackeri care ar fi reusit sa compromita serverele iCloud ale companiei Apple, cativa utilizatori au raportat pe forumurile companiei faptul ca Apple ID-urile lor ar fi fost compromise. Se pare ca hackerii ar fi reusti sa acceseze conturile acelor utilizatori si au folosit email-urile unora pentru a trimite mesaje de tip spam, dar numai catre contactele sincronizate cu iCloud. Un utilizator sustine ca avea o parola formata din 15 litere aleatorii si sustine ca fara sa o introduca pe vreun phishing website a observat ca de pe adresa sa de email s-au trimis email-uri de tip spam si nu el facuse asta.
I just received a bunch of emails from my friends saying that they got a spam email from my “” account address.
This happened to me too about 30 minutes ago. I never use my @me email for anything, and I gurantee someone didn’t break into the account by guessing my password (or brute force methods) – it’s a pseudoly randomly generated string of 15 numbers, letters (upper and lower case), and symbols (I worked in IT for many years and am perhaps overly zealous about password security, which makes memorization a real pain). I’m worried that Apple’s iCloud servers themselves got hacked, as I see there are a few other people on the forums who are reporting that their account was used for spam in the past few hours.
Exact same thing happened to me as well. It sent out a bunch of spam mails to people in my address book via the mail – including my own gmail account. Funny thing is I have never used it. I have been logged in to only once I believe, and that was last summer.
Totul s-a intamplat ieri si deocamdata putine persoane sustin ca le-ar fi fost compromise conturile iCloud, iar Apple desigur ca nu a avut absolut nimic de comentat. Serverele iCloud s-au dovedit a fi mai mult decat sigure in fata hackerilor pana acum, insa poate cineva a reusit sa depaseasca masurile de securitate ale companiei din Cupertino. Acesta este website-ul catre care se face trimitere in email-uri , niciunul dintre utilizatori nu recunoaste ca ar fi vinovat de compromiterea contului si probabil in zilele urmtoare vom afla ce raspunsuri au primit toti de la Apple.
This post was last modified on mai 17, 2012, 9:03 PM 21:03