Compania rusa Elcomsoft, specializata pe dezvoltarea de software care permite utilizatorilor sa “sparga” parolele diverselor sisteme de operare, a anuntat lansarea unei suite software care permite compromiterea backup-urilor iCloud. Phone Password Breaker se numeste software-ul lor si el permite accesarea backup-urilor iCloud, extragerea Apple ID-ului si a parolei, iar de aici aveti acces la orice. Software-ul poate in esenta sa decripteze username-ul si parola salvate in backup-ul iCloud din calculatorul vostru, deci este necesar accesul la calculator, ori la calculator si telefon pentru a comprimite acel backup.
It doesn’t even require access to offline backups produced by that phone. Instead, the new attack targets an online, remote storage provided by Apple. By attacking a remote storage, the updated tool makes it possible watching suspects’ iPhone activities with little delay and without alerting the suspects. In fact, the tool can retrieve information from the online storage without iPhone users even knowing, or having a chance to learn about the unusual activity on their account. First and foremost, there’s no magic. We still need the user’s original Apple ID and password to access their iCloud information. If Apple ID and password are not known or no longer valid (e.g. user changed the password), Phone Password Breaker will be unable to retrieve information from iCloud.
Dupa ce ati obtinut Apple ID-ul si parola sa puteti urmari miscarile “tintei”, daca ea are find my iPhone activ, puteti prelua email-urile sale, contactele, bookmark-uri, notitele, etc, insa totul pana cand persoana isi schimba parola. Dupa ce ea isi schimba parola voi ramaneti fara acces la iCloud si trebuie sa ii compromiteti din nou contul. Practic nu vorbim despre un software extraordinar de avansat si pentru 79€ nu cred ca ar trebui sa isi “bata” cineva capul cu el.
This post was last modified on mai 19, 2012, 9:17 AM 09:17