Clueful este o noua aplicatie pentru platforma iOS, iar cu ajutorul ei puteti afla o parte din modul in care functioneaza aplicatiile instalate in iDevice-urile voastre. Aplicatia a fost conceputa de catre cei de la BitDefender Antivirus si ea monitorizeaza traficul facut de aplicatiile deschise in background, insa analizeaza si felul in care ele interactioneaza cu iOS-ul. Clueful iti spune daca aplicatiile deschise in background iti monitorizeaza activitatea folosind coduri de tracking speciale, daca ele sunt capabile sa fiaseze reclame, daca ele pot loga informatii despre locatii, daca ele pot afecta autonomia bateriei prin felul in care functioneaza, plus multe altele.
Clueful identifies misdemeanant apps on your iPhone. It looks at what applications are currently running in memory and it retrieves audit information from the Clueful Cloud. Most apps are not malicious. They’re just careless with your data. Take a look under the hood. Be curious! Explore and analyze clues about your apps, including your favorite ones.
There’s apps that:
– track your location
– can read and make use of your address book
– track usage via Flurry (or other) analytics networks and display ads
– handle your credentials in a sloppy way (think unencrypted over the web)
– request access to your Facebook/Twitter/Google credentials
– use telemetry engines that can aggregate behavior data across many applications and even link them to a real identity (via Facebook auth etc.)
– needlessly keep GPS or audio services on intensively, although they don’t need to, which may rapidly drain your phone’s battery.
Aplicatia pare sa monitorizeze doar aplicatiile deschise in background si pare sa le analizeze cu ajutorul unui sistem de tip cloud dezvoltat de catre cei de la BitDefender. Clueful pare a fi un mod foarte bun de a analiza felulin care functioneaza aplicatiile instalate in iDevice-urile voastre, iar daca sunteti interesati sa vedeti ce se intampla “in spatele usilor inchise”, atunci va trebui sa platiti 2.39€ pentru a achizitiona aplicatia celor de la Bitdefender.
Descriere: Clueful is the only way to really understand apps, how they use your data and treat your privacy.