In cadrul conferintei All Things Digital, D10, de aseara Tim Cook a vorbit despre S-ul din denumirea terminalului iPhone 4S, insa si despre colaborarea companiei Apple cu reteaua de socializare Facebook. Cook sustine ca in viitor vom avea Facebook-ul integrat in iOS, probabil intr-un mod similar cu cel in care a fost integrata reteaua de socializare Twitter in iOS 5. Fiind intrebat de ce Twitter este prezent in iOS, iar Facebook nu, Tim Cook a spus sa asteptam putin si avand in vedere ca WWDC 2012 va incepe peste doar 2 saptamani, exista sanse mari ca iOS 6 sa aduca aceasta integrare.
They have their own way of doing things. But people can say that about us as well. But just because you have different views doesn’t mean you can’t work together. We want to provide customers simple, elegant ways to do the things they want to do. And Facebook has hundreds of millions of customers. And anyone with iPhone or iPad wants to have the best experience with Facebook on any device. So stay tuned.
Facand o legatura cu Facebook, Tim Cook a afirmat si ca Apple nu a fost interesata sa achizitioneze aplicatia si software-ul Instagram, afirmatiile sale contrazicand zvonurile aparute imediat dupa anuntul facut de cei de la Facebook.
This post was last modified on mai 30, 2012, 11:36 AM 11:36