Matthew Modine si Josh Gad ii vor interpreta pe John Sculley si Steve Wozniak in pelicula jOBS

  Acum cateva saptamani de zile v-am spus ca Ashton Kutcher il va interpreta pe Steve Jobs intr-un film facut in baza biografiilor publicate pana acum. Pana recent se stia ca acea pelicula va purta denumirea Jobs: Get Inspired, insa in realitate titlul final va fi jOBS. Denumirea pare a fi destul de ciudata la o prima vedere, insa probabil producatorii vor explica de ce au ales sa promoveze pelicula doar in baza numelui de familie al fostului CEO. Indiferent de explicatii, jOBS va fi lansat in toamna acestui an si pe langa Ashton Kutcher in film ii vom regasi

si pe actorii Matthew Modine si Josh Gad.

The interesting thing about that is some people may look at John Sculley as a villain in the story, an antagonist in the story,” Modine said, adding, “You know the story of Michael Jordan. When he was playing high school basketball, he was kicked off the team. He was cut. And had Michael Jordan not been cut, a lot of people believe he wouldn’t have found the aspiration and desire to show his coach that he was wrong and become the Michael Jordan who changes the game of basketball.

  Modine il va interpreta pe fostul CEO Apple John Sculley, cel care l-a fortat pe Steve Jobs sa paraseasca compania pe care a fondat-ul, iar Gad il va interpreta pe celebrul Steve Wozniak. Desi Modine ar putea semana cu o versiune tanara a lui Sculley, Gad nu prea seamana cu Wozniak-ul anilor ”80, insa producatorii peliculei nu par prea ingrijorati. jOBS se anunta a fi destul de interesant avand actori destul de apreciati la Hollywood, insa ramane de vazut cum va fi produsa intreaga pelicula.

This post was last modified on iun. 7, 2012, 9:16 PM 21:16

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