Carat este o aplicatie lansata recent in App Store, iar dezvoltatorii sai sustin ca ea va poate ajuta sa imbunatatiti autonomia bateriei iDevice-urilor voastre fara a face prea multe. Aplicatia pare sa monitorizeze modul in care utilizati voi aplicatiile, trimite informatii la serverele unei companii, le coroboreaza cu date primite de la alte iDevice-uri, face cateva calcule si la final va ofera niste recomandari care v-ar permite sa cresteti autonomia bateriei. Aplicatia nu poate monitoriza prea multe in iOS, avand in vedere ca Apple nu ofera acces la informatii detaliate aplicatiilor din App Store, deci totul se bazeaza pe simple presupuneri si calcule matematice care in realitate ar putea fi inexacte.
Ever wondered why your battery is draining so quickly? Just install Carat, open it every few days so it can send data to our servers, and within a week Carat will start recommending Actions (just for you!) and even predicting the improvements you will see. Although Carat cannot measure energy use directly, it infers what apps are responsible using advanced machine learning methods. Carat will tell you which apps it thinks are hogs (they use a lot of battery) and which are bugs (they use a lot of battery on your device but not most others). Being a hog or a bug does not make an app ‘bad’, but a user trying to improve their battery life can use these designations to adjust their behavior.
Dupa ce Carat are indeajuns de multe informatii despre iDevice-ul vostru poate incepe sa va recomande sa inchideti anumite aplicatii care consuma energie in mod excesiv, iar pentru fiecare recomandare primiti si o estimare cu privire la potentiala crestere a autonomiei. Desigur ca toate aceste estimari trebuie privire cu o oarecare neincredere deoarece Aplicatia nu va poate oferi informatii 100% corecte despre felul in care aplicatiile din iOS utilizeaza sistemul de operare.
- Action List telling you how to improve your battery life and by how much
- Device information detailing exactly what data we are recording
- Reports apps that are using lots of energy and whether that is happening on other devices, too
- Detail views let you dive down into the data and see graphs of energy use
- Low-overhead sampling requires almost no energy or CPU
- J-Score tells you how your battery efficiency compares to other users
- Sharing features let you post/tweet/blog about your experience; more users means more data which means better recommendations for you
Carat este disponibila gratuit in App Store intr-o versiune universala.
Descriere: Carat is the first app to generate personalized recommendations for improving your battery life.
Ever wondered why your battery is draining so quickly Just install Carat, open it every few days so it can …
This post was last modified on iun. 15, 2012, 7:41 PM 19:41