Iata conceptul unui iPhone 5 cu ecran transparent si tastatura proiectata(Video)

  Ecranul transparent nu cred ca va ajunge vreodata in terminalele iPhone, insa tastaturile proiectate ar putea fi usor implementate. La RoNewMedia m-am jucat cu o tastatura comercializata de fungadgets.ro si am observat ca ele recunosc destul de bine interactiunile, deci ar putea fi o solutie buna pentru cei care vor o tastatura mica, dar care se conecteaza la iDevice-uri.

Clearly amazing. The quad-core A5 chip delivers even more power. The laser projection keyboard liberates your thumbs. The new iClear Retina display presents sharp graphics and stunning images. iOS 6 will take your iPhone experience in an entirely new direction. And if there’s anything else you need, just ask Siri.

This post was last modified on iun. 15, 2012, 6:46 PM 18:46

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