Recent companiei Apple i-a fost inregistrat un nou brevet de inventie, care probabil nu va ajuge sa fie vreodata aplicat in viata reala, ce permite incarcarea dispozitivelor electronice fara fir. Incarcarea prin inductie nu este o tehnologie noua, insa cei de la Apple au brevetat o metoda prin care un dispozitiv electronic poate fi incarcat prin inductie cu ajutorul unui dock special. Desigur ca inginerii companiei dezvolta in mod constant tehnologii de acest gen si rareori vedem vreuna implementata intr-un iDevice, dar poate anul 2012 ne va aduce ceva interesant prin iPhone 5.
Apple has received a Granted Patent relating to circuits, methods, and apparatus for adapters, such as inserts and cable adapters, and docking stations that include one or more of the following: reradiating antennas to enhance wireless signal integrity, inductive charging circuits, and wireless or optical data links. To date, Apple has yet to debut an inductive charging dock for iOS devices. …a docking station that includes a reradiating antenna and an inductive charging circuit for inductively charging a handheld device. As shown, the dock housing is configured to receive a handheld device. While the dock housing is shown to receive the handheld device in an upright position, other dock housing configurations for receiving the handheld device along its other sides are also possible.
Daca Apple va decide sa implementeze in iPhone 5 o metoda de incarcare prin inductie, atunci teoretic folosind un dock special vom putea incarca terminalul numai prin plasarea sa intr-o anumita zona a acelui dock. In momentul de fata tehnologiile de acest gen nu sunt chiar atat de populare, insa daca Apple va decide sa lanseze un iDevice compatibil cu ele, atunci incarcarea prin inductie ar putea deveni un standard in smartphone-urile ce urmeaza sa fie lansate in viitor.
This post was last modified on iun. 26, 2012, 10:23 PM 22:23