Zvonurile aparute in ultimele zile dau drept sigura lansarea unei tablete iPad Mini in toamna acestui an, insa nimeni nu stie deocamdata sigur ce fel de ecran ar urma sa aiba acest produs. John Gruber presupune ca noua tableta ar urma sa aiba un ecran identic cu cel al iPhone 3GS, iPad sau iPad 2, iar rezolutia acestuia ar urma sa fie 1024 x 768. El spune ca ecranele sunt construite la marimi mult mai mari decat cele pe care le vedem in dispozitive, companiile taind ecranele mari in bucati mici pentru a le include in smartphone-uri sau tablete.
Here’s the logic behind such a display. Displays aren’t manufactured at their finished size; rather, they’re made on big sheets, and then cut to size. I believe the iPad Mini (or whatever it’s going to be called) uses the same display as the iPhone 3GS. So instead of cutting these sheets into 3.5-inch 480 × 320 displays for the iPhone 3GS, they’ll cut them into 7.85-inch 1024 × 768 displays for the smaller iPad. Same exact display technology, though — display technology that Apple has been producing at scale ever since the original iPhone five years ago. These are displays Apple knows they can produce efficiently and in enormous quantities. All they have to do is cut them into bigger pieces.
El spune ca utilizarea unui asemenea ecran ar permite celor de la Apple sa se asigure ca nu au probleme cu stocurile si ar evita o fragmentare a platformei. Rezolutia 1024 x 768 este utilizata deja in iPad 1/2, deci iPad Mini ar rula aplicatiile deja existente in App Store fara nici cea mai mica problema, iar dezvoltatorii nu ar fi obligati sa refaca grafica respectivelor aplicatii. Din punct de vede tehnic utilizarea unui asemenea ecran este logica si cred ca Apple va alege sa mearga pe calea logica, lasand Retina Display-ul pentru viitor.
This post was last modified on iul. 5, 2012, 9:01 AM 09:01