Saptamana trecuta disputa legala dintre iPad si Proview s-a incheiat printr-un acord conform caruia Apple se obliga sa plateasca 60 de milioane de dolari companiei asiatice pentru ca a utilizat fara drept marca iPad cand si-a vandut tableta in China. Acum, la o saptamana dupa incheierea cordului, oamenii celor de la Proview sustin ca Tim Cook ar fi platit din buzunarul sau suma de bani, facand legatura dintre aceasta suma si cele 75 de milioane de dolari pe care Tim Cook a refuzat sa le primeasca drept dividende pentru actiunile detinute la Apple.
Pointing out that Apple CEO Tim Cook in May refused his US$75 million dividends from over 1 million shares, Proview’s founder and chairman Yang Rongshan–who fought with Apple for the iPad trademark in China and was awarded US$60 million by the court–said people around him realized the amount was “very close with the compensation Apple would pay for Proview”. Ray Mai, who served in the legal department for Proview’s Taiwan arm, held the same view. Speaking to IT Times, a mainland-based technology newspaper, Mai said the trademark dispute was distinguishable from other infringement cases as someone in Apple who had made a mistake, and the consequences of which should not be passed to the shareholders.
“Since Steve Jobs was gone, Cook should take up the responsibility,” said Mai.
Desigur ca totul este doar o pura speculatie, Tim Cook refuzand intr-adevar o suma foarte mare de bani, insa ma indoiesc de faptul ca acest refuz ar avea legatura cu Proview. Se pare ca niste angajati ai Apple ar fi facut greseli mari in perioada in care marca iPad ar fi fost achizitionata de la Proview si chinezii considera ca Tim Cook ar fi platit, cu proprii bani, greselile facute in trecut de catre Apple. Daca aceasta teorie este adevarata, atunci Tim Cook merita tot respectul angajatilor sai, insa eu sunt extrem de circumspect in legatura cu adevaratele motive ale refuzului lui Tim Cook de a incasa bani.