Apple cauta oameni inventivi si dispusi sa isi sustina ideile in fata oricui

  Cei care au incercat sa se angajeze la Apple dar nu au reusit stiu prea bine ca procesul prin care sunt supusi nu este unul simplu si asta pentru ca Apple cere excelenta de la angajatii sai. Atunci cand angajeaza, Apple cauta angajati care sa fie curajosi si sa nu fie aroganti, adica daca au o problema in fata ei trebuie sa priveasca acea problema drept o incercare si o oportunitate de a invatata ceva. Privirea problemei drept un lucru simplu pe care angajatul il controleaza si stie sa il rezolve in baza cunostintelor sale este, pentru Apple, o dovada de aroganta si in general o asemenea atitudine determina greseli.

Grit is the ability to perform under pressure, especially in “ambiguous” situations where clear answers might be elusive. Grit is courage and confidence. There’s a difference between confidence and arrogance. An arrogant job candidate says, “I know everything about the MacBook Pro.” A confident candidate says, ‘There are a lot of things I don’t know but I can find the answer.’ A person displays grit when they acknowledge what they don’t know but are determined to learn.

  Desi calitatile mentionate mai sus sunt foarte importante pentru Apple, compania cauta totodata oameni indeajuns de curajosi pentru a isi exprima opiniile, dar si pentru a si le sustine fara rezerve, indiferent cine le sta in fata. Tim Cook a afirmat ca este foarte important sa iti sustii opiniile in fata lui Steve Jobs, altfel acesta “te calca in picioare” si angajatorii companiei cauta oameni la fel de curajosi in toate departamentele. Daca veti ajunge vreodata sa treceti prin procesul de angajare la Apple trebuie sa stiti ca umilitatea, disponibilitatea de a sta peste program, dorinta de a invata si curajul de a va sustine ideile sunt lucruri apreciate.

Few employees ever met Jobs in person but, if they had, would they have be able to hold their own with Steve—really go toe-to-toe with him—or would they have cowered and wilted into a blubbering mess? Jobs’ top executives understood that they had to treat Jobs with respect but that they were also expected to push back on his ideas and argue their points. “I realized very early that if you didn’t voice your opinion, he would mow you down,” Apple CEO Tim Cook once said. Yes, the Apple Store hires friendly and passionate employees. But Apple also looks for people who confidently express their opinion and have a fearless attitude about offering feedback.

This post was last modified on iul. 11, 2012, 9:25 PM 21:25

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