V-am spus deja ca Apple nu prea iubeste Iranul si refuza sa isi vanda produsele cetatenilor acestei tari, insa chiar si asa se pare ca in Iran exista destule magazine care vand fara probleme produse Apple. In ciuda unei interdictii de a importa produse electronice in Iran, acolo exista destule magazine, precum cel din imaginea de mai sus, care vand fara probleme cele mai noi produse ale companiei din Cupertino. Desi oficial Apple nu vinde acolo, se pare ca magazinele au destul de multi clienti si nu doar din randul cetatenilor de rand, ci si din randul televiziunilor sau institutiilor statului.
At its gleaming store, RadanMac offers the latest Apple gear – the new iPad, iPhones, iPods, laptops, all-in-one desktop computers and more. But this is no ordinary Apple store. It’s in Tehran, where Apple and other U.S. computer products are banned under U.S. sanctions that have been in place for years. Despite the embargo, RadanMac is one of an estimated 100 stores in the Iranian capital that openly sell Apple products, often at little more than U.S. prices. “Business has been booming for the last three years,” said Majid Tavassoli, the store’s owner, in a phone interview. He said his company employs more than 20 staffers and has been supplying Apple products to Iranian buyers since 1995.
Apple urmareste doar sa respecte politica guvernului american in ideea de a isi face cativa prieteni la Washington, insa in realitate se pare ca produsele sale ajung in Iran pe cai mai mult sau mai putin legale si cred ca neoficial Apple ofera suport celor de acolo.