The Dark Knight Rises este un film pe care milioane de oameni din intreaga lume abia asteapta sa il vada in cinematografe, iar pentru el a fost dezvoltat un joc pentru iDevice-uri care urmeaza sa fie publicat in App Store de catre celebrul dezvoltator francez Gameloft. In cursul acestei nopti titlul urmeaza sa fie lansat oficial in App Store, probabil la pretul de 5.49€, insa in anticiparea evenimentului cei de la Gameloft au redus pretul titlului Batman Arkham City Lockdown. Acest din urma joc a fost lansat anul trecut in App Store, insa este mai mult decat bun pentru a va familiariza cu stilul de joc pe care il veti regasi in The Dark Night Rises.
The inmates have escaped and Batman has his hands full defeating an army of henchmen and some of his most iconic villains. Scour the rooftops and the seedy underbelly of Gotham City through a series of one-on-one battles with the Joker, Two-Face and more, as well as the Batman: Arkham City Lockdown exclusive – Deathstroke. Choose from several Batman skins and power-ups as you punch, kick and combo your way to cleaning up Gotham City.
The Dark Knight Rises este deja disponibil in App Store Noua Zeelanda, in App Store Romania va ajunge in cursul acestei nopti, iar Batman Arkham City Lockdown este disponibil acum pentru doar 0.79€.
Batman Arkham City Lockdown
The inmates have escaped and Batman has his hands full defeating an army of henchmen and some of his most iconic villains. Scour the rooftops and the seedy underbelly of Gotham City throug…
This post was last modified on iul. 19, 2012, 8:01 PM 20:01