Pana acum au aparut diverse carcase care incercau sa ofere posesorilor de terminale iPhone impresia ca isi pot transforma dispozitivele in portofele, insa abia acum vad o carcasa care este cu adevarat capabila sa faca acest lucru. In imaginea de mai sus aveti prezentata Wallet Stand si observati ca ea are atasat un material textil cusut sub forma unui buznar care poate fi inchis cu ajutorul unui mecanism pe care cu siguranta il stiti de la diverse bluze, sau genti. Nu stiu cat de simplu va fi de introdus carcasa aceasta in buzunar, dar ea poate inlocui cu succes un portofel atunci cand mergeti la alergat sau la un picnic.
Combining a wallet and a kickstand in one stylish iPhone case, this one of a kind 3-in-1 case is an exclusive and original concept from Arctic Accessories. The Arctic Wallet Stand is not only multi-functional but stylish as well. Store your cash, keys, credit cards or even earphones in the Arctic Wallet Stand. This slim pouch stores up to 2 cards and works with most cardreaders worldwide unlike similar iPhone cases that are made of non-fabric materials. The flap of the Arctic Wallet Stand doubles as a kickstand, allowing you to view your iPhone in a comfortable landscape or portrait orientation. Shock absorbing and lightweight, the form fitting polycarbonate case offers reliable, low-profile protection while enchancing the sleek outline of the iPhone.
Wallet Stand costa 50$ si o puteti cumpara de aici.