In cursul serii trecute compania Apple a actualizat aplicatia Podcasts prin intermediul careia ofera utilizatorilor posibilitatea de a descarca si vizualiza podcast-uri pe propriile iDevice-uri. Aplicatia a fost lansata acum cateva saptamani de zile dupa ce Apple a facut cateva modificari in iOS 6 si a ascuns complet sectiunea aceasta din aplicatiile native ale sistemului de operare. Podcasts 1.0.1 aduce :
- Significant improvements to performance and stability
- Podcasts in your library now show the number of unplayed episodes
- Top Stations now show the podcast title if artwork is missing
- Playback speed is now remembered when playing the next episode
- Fix for a problem where the Subscribe button is inactive
- Resolution of an issue where Top Stations artwork may not appear
Podcasts este o aplicatie universala disponibila gratuit in App Store.
Pretul initial:
Developer: iTunes S.a.r.l.
Categoria: Entertainment
Descriere: Podcasts app is the easiest way to discover, subscribe to, and play your favorite podcasts on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Explore hundreds of thousands of free audio and video podcasts from the Podc…
Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 8.9 Mb