Google si chiar proprii angajati au avertizat Samsung sa nu copieze Apple

  Nu stiu cati oameni inca mai cred, cu buna stiinta, ca Samsung nu a copiat produsele Apple, insa Google nu este de aceeasi parere si reprezentanti ai companiei i-au avertizat pe asiatici sa nu copieze produsele celor din Cupertino. Cei de la Google le-au cerut in mod expres in anul 2010 reprezentantilor Samsung sa produca tablete cu design diferit de cel al iPad, insa cine avea sa ii asculte? In 2011 o echipa interna de design a Samsung a atentionat echipa care dezvolta seria Galaxy S spunand ca este regretabil ca acele smartphone-uri au un design care este atat de asemanator cu cel al iPhone-urilor.

In February 2010, Google told Samsung that Samsung’s “P1” and “P3” tablets (Galaxy Tab and Galaxy Tab 10.1) were “too similar” to the iPad and demanded “distinguishable design vis-à-vis the iPad for the P3.”

In 2011, Samsung’s own Product Design Group noted that it is “regrettable” that the Galaxy S “looks similar” to older iPhone models.

As part of a formal, Samsung-sponsored evaluation, famous designers warned Samsung that the Galaxy S “looked like it copied the iPhone too much,” and that “innovation is needed.” The designers explained that the appearance of the Galaxy S “[c]losely resembles the iPhone shape so as to have no distinguishable elements,” and “[a]ll you have to do is cover up the Samsung logo and it’s difficult to find anything different from the iPhone.”

  La final raman afirmatiile unui grup independent de designeri care au participat la o evaluare platita

de Samsung si au declarat ca terminalele din seria Galaxy S seamana atat de bine cu iPhone-ul incat daca s-ar scunde logo-ul ar fi greu sa separi cele doua dispozitive. Practic, daca exista documente care sa sustina afirmatiile, toata lumea le-a spus celor de la Samsung ca nu fac un lucru corect, insa ei si-au continuat munca de “inovare” fara probleme. Daca Apple dovedeste in instanta ca Samsung a facut cu rea credinta aceste lucruri, atunci nu vad ce ar impiedica obligarea companiei asiatice la plata celor 2,525 miliarde de dolari.

This post was last modified on iul. 26, 2012, 8:33 AM 08:33

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